Aaron, R. I.

“Epistemology” / R.Aa. // IN: The new encyclopædia britannica. – Chicago : Encyclopædia Britannica, ©1974. – Macropædia:vol. 6:925-948 [esp. 939-943]

LNL 7:3; H&W 1983

Aarsleff, H.

“The tradition of Condillac : the problem of the origin of language in the eighteenth century and the debate in the Berlin Academy before Herder” / Hans Aarsleff. // IN: Studies in the history of linguistics : traditions and paradigms / edited by Dell Hymes. – Bloomington ; London : Indiana University Press, ©1974. – p. 93-156.

Reprinted in Aarsleff, From Locke to Saussure (1982), p. 146-209.

H&W 268; H&W 1983

Adler, M. J.

“Little errors in the beginning” / Mortimer J. Adler. // IN: Thomist. – 38 (1974):27-48.

Alexander, P.

“Boyle and Locke on primary and secondary qualities” / by Peter Alexander. // IN: Ratio. – 16 (1974):51-67.

Abstract: PhI 1974:612.

LNL 6:3; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1974.1

Reprinted in: (1) Tipton (ed.), Locke on human understanding (1977), p. 62-76; and (2) John Locke, theory of knowledge / edited with introductions by Vere Chappell (1992), p. 1-17.

Alexander, P.

“Curley on Locke and Boyle” / Peter Alexander. // IN: Philosophical review. – 83 (1974):229-237.

Reply to Curley, “Locke, Boyle, and the distinctions between primary and secondary qualities” (1972)

Abstracts: PhI 1974:612; BullSig 29:4892.

LNL 6:3; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1974.2; T 245

Aspelin, G.

“Polemiken i första boken av Locke’s Essay.” – See entry for original English publication (1940)

Bennett, J.

Kant’s dialectic / Jonathan Bennett. – London ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1974.

See esp. “Categories and innate ideas” (p. 35-39)

H&W 1983

Berman, D.

“Francis Hutcheson on Berkeley and the Molyneux problem” / by David Berman. // IN: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section C, Archaeology, Celtic Studies, History, Linguistics, Literature. – 74 (1974):259-265.

Reprinted in: Berkeley and Irish philosophy / David Berman. – London ; New York : Continuum, c2005. – (Continuum studies in British philosophy). – p. 138-149.

Bracken, H. M.

Berkeley / Harry M. Bracken. – London : Macmillan, 1974. – (Philosophers in perspective)

See Ch. 5, “The likeness principle and the primary/secondary quality distinction” (p. 46-55)

LNL 6:4; H&W 1983

Buhr, M.

“Velichie i granit͡sy klassicheskoĭ burzhuaznoĭ filosofii” / Manfred Bur. // IN: Voprosy filosofii. – 1974:no. 3:32-40.

English translation: “The greatness and the limitations of classical bourgeois philosophy” / Manfred Buhr. // IN: Soviet studies in philosophy. – 13:no. 4 (spring 1975):72-87.

Cameron, J. M.

“Editor’s introduction.” // IN: An essay on the development of Christian doctrine : the edition of 1845 / John Henry Newman ; edited with an introduction by J.M. Cameron. – Harmondsworth ; Baltimore : Penguin Books, 1974.

See p. 36-41.

Cameron, J. M.

“Newman and Locke : a note on some themes in An essay in aid of a grammar of assent” / James M. Cameron. // IN: Newman-Studien. – 9 (1974):197-205.

H&W 1983

Castle, N. J.

Locke’s empiricism / Nicholas J. Castle. – Thesis (M.A.)–Emory University, 1974.


Y&Y 1974.8

Cooper, D. E.

“Memories, bodies and persons” / D.E. Cooper. // IN: Philosophy. – 49 (1974):255-263.

Dangelmayr, S.

Methode und System : Wissenschaftsklassifikation bei Bacon, Hobbes und Locke / Siegfried Dangelmayr. – Meisenheim am Glan : A. Hain, 1974. – (Monographien zur philosophischen Forschung ; Band 118)

See “John Locke” (p. 66-96) and “Gattung, Art und Klasse : die klassifikationstheorie Lockes” (p. 108-118)

H&W 1983; Y&Y 1974.10

Delbourg-Delphis, M.

“Introduction.” // IN: Draft A : première esquisse de l’Essai philosophique concernant l’entendement humain / John Locke ; traduction, introduction et notes par Marylène Delbourg-Delphis (1974)

H&W 1983

DePorte, M. V.

Nightmares and hobbyhorses : Swift, Sterne, and Augustan ideas of madness / by Michael V. DePorte. – San Marino : Huntington Library, 1974. – xi, 164 p.

H&W 1983

Duchesneau, F.

“Condillac critique de Locke” / François Duchesn[e]au. // IN: International studies in philosophy = Studi internazionali di filosofia. – 6 (1974):77-98.

Abstracts: PhI 1975:241; BullSig 30:1720.

H&W 1983; Y&Y 1974.12

Dussinger, J. A.

The discourse of the mind in eighteenth-century fiction / by John A. Dissinger. – The Hague : Mouton, 1974.

See esp. p. 16-50.

Earchard, B.

“Association (and the nativist-empiricist axis)” / Bruce Earhard. // IN: Historical and philosophical roots of perception / edited by Edward C. Carterette and Morton P. Friedman. – New York : Academic Press, 1974. – (Handbook of perception ; vol. 1). – p. 93-108.

Ferguson, J. P.

The philosophy of Dr. Samuel Clarke and its critics / by James P. Ferguson. – New York : Vantage Press, ©1974.

See esp. p. 248-249.

Finocchiaro, M. A.

“The concept of ad hominem argument in Galileo and Locke” / Maurice A. Finocchiaro. // IN: Philosophical forum. – New series:5 (1973/74):394-404.

Abstract: PhI 1975.

LNL 7:4; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1974.13

Flynn, J. R.

“Do we really want a moral justification of our basic ideals?” / James R. Flynn. // IN: Inquiry. – 17 (1974):151-173.

Formigari, L.

“Language and society in the late eighteenth century” / by Lia Formigari ; translation by Nathan Berall. // IN: Journal of the history of ideas. – 35 (1974):275-292.

Abstract: PhI 1974:808.

Fotinis, A. P.

“Perception and the external world : a historical and critical account” / Athanasios P. Fotinis. // IN: [Philosophia] (Athens). – 4 (1974):433-448.

In English with a Greek summary (p. 446-448)

Abstracts: PhI 1975:249; BullSig 30:32.

Gavrilov, A.

“La dialectique matérialiste et les voies de l’idealisme : analyse critique de la logique subjective-idéaliste de Berkeley, 2e partie” / Aristotel Gavrilov. // IN: Annuaire de l’Université de Sofia, Faculté de Philosophie. Livre I, Philosophie. – 68 (1974):8-57.

Abstract: BullSig 33:1236.

Gerber, D.

“On argumentum ad hominem” / by D. Gerber. // IN: Personalist. – 55 (1974):23-29.

See also the reply by Woods & Walton, “Ad hominem, contra Gerber” (1977) and the response by Gerber, “Reply to Woods and Walton” (1977)

Giacomini, U. & Schiavone, M.

Storia critica della filosofia : per le scuole superiori. – See entry in Chapter 2.

Gotterbarn, D. W.

“A note on Locke’s theory of self knowledge” / Donald W. Gotterbarn. // IN: Journal of the history of philosophy. – 12 (1974):239-242.

Abstracts: PhI 1974:847; BullSig 29:4895.

LNL 6:5; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1974.15

Hall, R.

“Hume’s use of Locke on identity” / Roland Hall. // IN: Locke newsletter. – 5 (1974):56-75.

Abstracts: PhI 1974:866; BullSig 29:6769.

LNL 6:5; H&W 1983

Hanpeter, F. O.

John Locke and the corpuscular theory / by F. Oliver Hanpeter. – Thesis (Ph.D.)–Duke University, 1974. – vi, 203 leaves.

Abstract: DAI 36A:4558.

H&W 1983; Y&Y 1975.18 [sic]

Harris, J.

“Leibniz and Locke on innate ideas” / by John Harris. // IN: Ratio. – 16 (1974):226-242.

Reprinted in: Tipton (ed.), Locke on human understanding (1977), p. 25-40.

Abstract: PhI 1975

H&W 1983; Y&Y 1974.17 [“Locke and Leibniz …”]

Hattori, T.

Eikoku keikenron to Rokku tetsugaku / Hattori Tomofumi. – Tokyō : Sōbunsha, [1974]. – 154, 4 p.

H&W 1983

Jolley, S. N.

Leibniz’s critique of Locke : with special reference to metaphysical and theological themes … / by Stephen Nicholas Jolley. – Thesis (Ph.D.)–Cambridge University (Christ’s College), 1974. – iv, 145 leaves.

H&W 1983; Y&Y 1975.22 [sic]

Kelemen, J.

“Mitől nem látnak a filozófusok? : Berkeley Locke kritikája és nyelvkoncepciónja” = [Why cannot the philosophers see? : Berkeley’s criticism of Locke and his conception of language] / Kelemen János. // IN: Világosság. – 15 (1974):612-618.

H&W 1983

Kemerling, G. L.

John Locke and mind/body dualism / by Garth Leroy Kemerling. – Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Iowa, 1974. – v, 289 leaves.

Abstract: DAI 35A:4616.

H&W 1983; Y&Y 1974.19

Kurozumi, T.

“Rokku ni okeru gengo to chishiki” = “Words & knowledge in Locke” / Toshio Kurozumi. // IN: Gengo kagaku = Linguistic science. – 10 (1974):35-50.

English summary: p.148.

Reprinted in Rokku kenkū / [edited by] S. Tanaka, A. Hirano (1980)

H&W 1983 [“Kuroda”]

Land, S. K.

From signs to propositions : the concept of form in eighteenth-century semantic theory / Stephen K. Land. – London : Longman, 1974.

See Ch. 1, “The semantics of Locke and the Royal Society” (p. 1-20)

LNL 6:6; H&W 1983

Land, S. K.

“Universalism and relativism : a philosophical problem of translation in the eighteenth century” / by Stephen K. Land. // IN: Journal of the history of ideas. – 35 (1974):597-610.

Abstract: BullSig 29:6256.

Lewter, J. N.

Locke and Mr. Spectator : aspects of virtue … / John Neams Lewter. – Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of Tennessee, 1974. – v, 222 leaves.

Abstract: DAI 35A:7313.

H&W 1983; Y&Y 1974.21

Long, D. C.

“The bodies of persons” / Douglas C. Long. // IN: Journal of philosophy. – 71 (1974):291-301.

Abstract: PhI 1974:967.

MacIntosh, J. J.

“A problem about identity” / J.J. MacIntosh. // IN: Dialogue (Montréal). – 13 (1974):455-474.

Abstract: BullSig 29:7602.

Mackie, J. L.

“Locke’s anticipation of Kripke” / by J.L. Mackie. // IN: Analysis. – 34 (1973/74):177-180, 35 (1974/75):208.

See also the comments by McGinn, “A note on the essence of natural kinds” (1975) and by Odegard, “Locke’s unnatural kinds” (1975)

Abstracts: PhI 1974:976; BullSig 29:6772.

LNL 6:7; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1974.23, 1975.27; T 300

Martinez, J. A.

“Galileo on primary and secondary qualities” / Julio A. Martinez. // IN: Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences. – 10 (1974):160-169.

Mijuskovic, B. L.

The Achilles of rationalist arguments : the simplicity, unity and identity of thought and soul from the Cambridge Platonists to Kant : a study in the history of an argument / by Ben Lazare Mijuskovic. – The Hague : M. Nijhoff, 1974. – 142 p. – (Archives internationales d’histoire des idées = International archives of the history of ideas. Series minor ; 13)

H&W 1983

Mitroff, I. I. & Pondy, L. R.

“On the organization of inquiry : a comparison of some radically different approaches to policy analysis” / Ian I. Mitroff, Louis R. Pondy. // IN: Public administration review. – 34 (1974):471-479.

Moreno Davis, J. C.

John Locke, El ensayo sobre el entendimiento humano / Julio C. Moreno Davis. – Panamá : Editorial Universitaria, 1974. – 38 p.


Nathanson, S.

“Skepticism and concept possession” / Stephen Nathanson. // IN: Southern journal of philosophy. – 12 (1974):215-223.

Abstract: PhI 1974:1048.

Newman, N. D.

“To perceive is to have a sensation” : a study in the philosophy of perception of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries / Nancy Dorothy Newman. – Thesis (Ph.D.)–Princeton University, 1974. – vi, 294 leaves.


Nuttall, A. D.

A common sky : philosophy and the literary imagination / by A.D. Nuttall. – London : Chatto & Windus for Sussex University Press, 1974.

See esp. p. 15-23.

Y&Y 1974.25

O’Toole, F. J.

“Qualities and powers in the corpuscular philosophy of Robert Boyle” / Frederick J. O’Toole. // IN: Journal of the history of philosophy. – 12 (1974):295-315.

Reprinted in: Seventeenth-century natural scientists / edited with introductions by Vere Chappell. – New York ; London : Garland Publishing, 1992. – (Essays on early modern philosophers ; vol. 7). – p. 101-121.

Poliakov, L.

The Aryan myth : a history of racism and nationalist ideas in Europe. – See entry for French original (1971)

Rabb, J. D.

“Are Locke’s ideas of relation complex?” / J. Douglas Rabb. // IN: Locke newsletter. – 5 (1974):41-55.

Abstracts: PhI 1974:1108; BullSig 29:6774.

LNL 6:8; H&W 1983

Rapaport, D.

The history of the concept of association of ideas / David Rapaport. – New York : International Universities Press, ©1974.

Translation by L. Juhasz of Ax asszociacio fogalomtörtenete, originally the author’s thesis, University of Budapest, 1938.

See “Locke, the borderland of sensualism and empiricism” (p. 66-85)

LNL 7:7; H&W 1983

Rogers, P.

The Augustan vision / Pat Rogers. – London : Weidenfeld & Nicholson, ©1974.

Also published: New York : Barnes & Noble, 1974.

See “Pleasures of the imagination” (p. 39-49)

Rohatyn, D. A.

“Nuove considerazioni sul Saggio di Locke” / Dennis A. Rohatyn ; trad. dall’inglese di Virginia Harwell. // IN: Rivista di filosofia. – 65 (1974):60-68.

Abstract: PhI 1974:1129.

LNL 6:9; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1974.29

Romanell, P.

“Medicine as a new key to Locke.” – See entry in Chapter 9.

Rotenstreich, N.

“Humboldt’s prolegomena to philosophy of language” / Nathan Rotenstreich. // IN: Cultural hermeneutics. – 2 (1974/75):211-227.

Sargentich, T.

“Locke and ethical theory : two MS. pieces” / Thomas Sargentich. // IN: Locke newsletter. – 5 (1974):24-31.

Includes “Morality” [MS. Locke c. 28, ff. 139-140) (p. 26-28) and “Ethica 92” [MS. Locke c. 42B, p. 224] (p. 29-31)

Abstracts: PhI 1974:1150; BullSig 29:6775.

LNL 6:9; A [960]

Silver, B.

“A note on Berkeley’s New theory of vision and Thomas Reid’s distinction between primary and secondary qualities” / Bruce Silver. // IN: Southern journal of philosophy. – 12 (1974):253-263.

Abstract: PhI 1974:1177.

Stam, J. H.

“Condillac on language : an introduction to the new edition …” / James H. Stam. // IN: An essay on the origin of human knowledge / by Étienne Bonnot de Condillac ; with a new introduction by James H. Stam. – New York : AMS Press, 1974. – (Language, man and society). – p. v-liv.

Revised version published as: “Condillac’s epistemolinguistic question” (1980).

Stamey, J. D.

“Newton’s time, Locke’s ideas, and Jonathan’s spiders” / J.D. Stamey. // IN: Proceedings of the New Mexico-West Texas Philosophical Society. (1974):79-87.

Unverified; source/Abstract: PhI 1975:346.

Thomson, J. J.

“Molyneux’s problem” / Judith Jarvis Thomson. // IN: Journal of philosophy. – 71 (1974):637-650.

Tipton, I. C.

Berkeley : the philosophy of immaterialism / I.C. Tipton. – London : Methuen, 1974.

See esp. p. 131-152.

H&W 1983

Tonelli, G.

“Leibniz on innate ideas and the early reactions to the publication of the Nouveaux essais (1765)” / Giorgio Tonelli. // IN: Journal of the history of philosophy. – 12 (1974):437-454.

Abstract: PhI 1975:354.

H&W 1983

Toole, R.

“Locke’s idea of substance” / Robert Toole. // IN: Dialogue (Milwaukee). – 16 (1973/74):63-71.

Abstracts: PhI 1974:1233; BullSig 29:2784.

LNL 6:9; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1974.36

Turco, L.

Dal sistema al senso comune : studi sul newtonismo e gli illuministi britannici / Luigi Turco. – Bologna : Il Mulino, ©1974. – 365 p. – (Saggi ; 141)

Vesey, G.

Personal identity / Godfrey Vesey. – London : Macmillan, 1974. – (Problems of philosophy)

See “Locke and ‘the identity of consciousness’ ” (p. 56-61)

H&W 1983

Wall, G.

“Locke's attack on innate knowledge” / Grenville Wall. // IN: Philosophy. – 49 (1974):414-419.

Reprinted in: Tipton (ed.), Locke on human understanding (1977), p. 19-24.

Abstract: PhI 1975:360.

LNL 6:9; H&W 1983; Y&Y 1974.39

Winnett, A. R.

Peter Browne : provost, bishop, metaphysician / Arthur Robert Winnett. – London : S.P.C.K., 1974. – x, 260 p. – (Church historical series ; no. 95)

See p.7-10, 108f., 124f., 132f.

Zuckert, M. P.

“Fools and knaves : reflections on Locke’s theory of philosophical discourse” / Michael P. Zuckert. // IN: Review of politics. – 36 (1974):544-564.

Abstract: IPSA 25:2654.

H&W 1983; Y&Y 1974.40

Reprinted in Zuckert, Launching liberalism (2002), p. 107-126.