
Grateful thanks is owed to many, especially David P. Demarest Jr., a friend and collaborator, whose scholarship helped inspire and enhance this decades-long project. Thanks to the Pennsylvania State University Libraries and its talented staff–Ally Laird; Angel Peterson; Georgia MacZura; Andrew Gearheart; James Niemiec; Aneesh Nadgouda; Lauryn Pavlik; and Tyler B. Garner–whose tireless work and technological creativity helped immortalize this bibliography on a dynamic Internet platform. Acknowledgment is also due to institutions that provided research support: the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh; the University of Pittsburgh Library Systems’ Ford E. and Harriet R. Curtis Theatre Collection; Carnegie Mellon University Libraries; and Cooper-Siegel Community Library. Finally, special appreciation is owed to everyone who nurtured, believed in, and contributed to The Pittsburgh Novel, including but not limited to: Stephanie Flom; Courtney Oresick; Edith Flom Schneider; Stephen Herb; Kathryn Yahner; Regina Starace; Bill Daw; Nate Gerwig; Jacqueline Frost; Nick Bisceglia; and William Oresick.