Remerciements / Acknowledgments

I am extremely grateful to Mrs. and Mr. King for the King Faculty Research Award I received in 2013, when I started working on this bibliography. This generous grant contributed significantly to make this bibliography possible. At Penn State, I’d like to thank Mr. Mark Mattson and Ms. Michele Barbin, who designed the digital program for this online bibliography, and Ms. Theresa Brock who transformed the format of descriptive and annotated bibliographic metadata, and migrated them into a searchable database. Ms. Brock’s wages were paid thanks to the research funds attached to my Liberal Arts Professorship. In Dreux, my gratitude goes to Ms. Axelle Marin, curator of the Art and History Museum, and now Director of Cultural Affairs, who kindly provided me with valuable documents related to the 2009-festivities commemorating the fourth centenary of Rotrou’s birth. At Penn State, I am still  benefiting of the continuous and apt support of Ms. Ally Laird, Open Publishing Program Coordinator, and Ms. Angel Peterson, Open Publishing Production Specialist.

Je sais également gré à toutes celles et à tous ceux qui, au fil des ans et de part et d'autre de l'Atlantique, ont eu l'amabilité et la patience de prêter une oreille bienveillante à mes rotrouesques considérations.