“An Object In Motion”

Title“An Object In Motion”
Year for Search2013
AuthorsBuchanan, Elizabeth
Secondary AuthorsBlue, Elly
Secondary TitleBikes in Space [Cover adds a feminist science fiction anthology].
Volume / EditionVol. 10 of Taking the Lane
Date Published2013
PublisherElly Blue Publishing
Place PublishedPortland, OR
KeywordsFemale author, US author

Dystopia of Earth essentially flattened to provide the material to build habitats in space, which are initially promised for everyone but quickly are limited to the rich.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Female author

Full Text

2013 Buchanan, Elizabeth. “An Object In Motion.” Bikes in Space [Cover adds a feminist science fiction anthology]. Vol. 10 of Taking the Lane. Ed. Elly Blue (Portland, OR: Elly Blue Publishing, 2013), 8-16. PSt

Dystopia of Earth essentially flattened to provide the material to build habitats in space, which are initially promised for everyone but quickly are limited to the rich. Female author.