“It’s 2043. We Need a New American Dream for the A.I. Revolution”

Title“It’s 2043. We Need a New American Dream for the A.I. Revolution”
Year for Search2019
AuthorsZhang, Baobao
Secondary TitleThe New York Times
Date PublishedAugust 12, 2019
KeywordsFemale author, US author

The Op-Ed proposes that given the unemployment brought about by technology and the fact that the wealth earned is going to already wealthy capitalists, a bill, the Renew American Dreams Act, establishing a negative income tax should be passed. 

Info Notes

One of a series of “Op-Eds From the Future” that began May 27, 2019, and continued regularly through the rest of the year, with most, but not all, with eutopian or dystopian elements.


Illus. John Karborn

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The female author is a doctoral candidate in Political Science at Yale University, a research affiliate of the Center for the Governance of .A.I. at the University of Oxford, at a 2019-2020 fellow at the Berman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University

Full Text

2019 Zhang, Baobao. “It’s 2043. We Need a New American Dream for the A.I. Revolution.” Illus. John Karborn. The New York Times (August 12, 2019). https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/29/opinion/future-artificial-intelligence-religion.html.One of a series of “Op-Eds From the Future” that began May 27, 2019, and continued regularly through the rest of the year, with most, but not all, with eutopian or dystopian elements.

The Op-Ed proposes that given the unemployment brought about by technology and the fact that the wealth earned is going to already wealthy capitalists, a bill, the Renew American Dreams Act, establishing a negative income tax should be passed. The female author is a doctoral candidate in Political Science at Yale University, a research affiliate of the Center for the Governance of .A.I. at the University of Oxford, at a 2019-2020 fellow at the Berman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University.