An Apocalypse of Life

TitleAn Apocalypse of Life
Year for Search1893
AuthorsCheney, W[alter] T[homas](b. 1859)
Tertiary AuthorsCheney, W. T.
Date Published1893
PublisherArena Publishing Co
Place PublishedBoston, MA
KeywordsMale author, US author

Spiritual eutopia that will come after death experienced by a spirit who returns to Earth to teach Christ’s message, which is spelled out in a long chapter (165-231) with detailed references to the Bible and other notes. Little detail on the life after death, but there is a stress on intelligence and spirituality. There is no material eating or drinking, and there is a universal language of thought.

Holding Institutions

CU-Riv, Hathi, HRC, L

Author Note

(b. 1859)

Full Text

1893 Cheney, W[alter] T[homas] (b. 1859). An Apocalypse of Life. Boston, MA: Arena Publishing Co. CU-Riv, Hathi, HRC, L

Spiritual eutopia that will come after death experienced by a spirit who returns to Earth to teach Christ’s message, which is spelled out in a long chapter (165-231) with detailed references to the Bible and other notes. Little detail on the life after death, but there is a stress on intelligence and spirituality. There is no material eating or drinking, and there is a universal language of thought.