Beyond the Fall of Night

TitleBeyond the Fall of Night
Year for Search1990
AuthorsClarke, Arthur C[harles](1917-2008), and Benford, Gregory [Albert](b. 1941)
Date Published1990
PublisherG. P. Putnam's Sons
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsEnglish author, Male author, US author

Sequel to 1953 Clarke, which is rpt. as the “Part I” (14-145). Part II (146-298), by Benford, is set far in the future where there are highly evolved beings, enhanced humans, and others at various stages of enhancement. Much of the story is about the reemergence of some who seek power over others and are willing to go to war to further their ambitions See the “Afterword” to 2004 Benford for the relationship among the three books.

Info Notes

See the “Afterword” to 2004 Benford for the relationship among the three books.

Holding Institutions

Merril, PSt

Author Note

Clarke (1917-2008) was an English author; Benford (b. 1941) is a U.S. author.

Full Text

1990 Clarke, Arthur C[harles] (1917-2008) and Gregory [Albert] Benford (b. 1941). Beyond the Fall of Night. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. Merril

Sequel to 1953 Clarke, which is rpt. as the “Part I” (14-145). Part II (146-298), by Benford, is set far in the future where there are highly evolved beings, enhanced humans, and others at various stages of enhancement. Much of the story is about the reemergence of some who seek power over others and are willing to go to war to further their ambitions See the “Afterword” to 2004 Benford for the relationship among the three books. Clarke is an English author; Benford is a U. S. author.