Circuit of Heaven

TitleCircuit of Heaven
Year for Search1998
AuthorsDanvers, Dennis [Howard](b. 1947)
Date Published1998
PublisherAvon Eos
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsMale author, US author

Immortality gained by uploading personality into a large computer. Inside is a eutopia; outside is a gradually decaying dystopia. A sequel is End of Days. New York: Avon Eos, 1999.

Holding Institutions

CU-Riv, Merril

Author Note

(b. 1947)

Full Text

1998 Danvers, Dennis [Howard] (b. 1947). Circuit of Heaven. New York: Avon Eos. CU-Riv, Merril

Immortality gained by uploading personality into a large computer. Inside is a eutopia; outside is a gradually decaying dystopia. A sequel is End of Days. New York: Avon Eos, 1999.