"The Debt of the Innocent"

Title"The Debt of the Innocent"
Year for Search2006
AuthorsSwirsky, Rachel(b. 1962)
Secondary AuthorsMendlesohn, Farah
Secondary TitleGlorifying Terrorism: An Anthology of Original Science Fiction
Date Published2006
PublisherRackstraw Press
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsFemale author, US author

Ecological dystopia that requires reduced electricity supplies even to hospitals. This results in babies being allowed to die or even being killed to save others.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

Female author (b. 1962).

Full Text

2006 Swirsky, Rachel (b. 1962). “The Debt of the Innocent.” Glorifying Terrorism: An Anthology of Original Science Fiction. Ed. Farah Mendlesohn (London: Rackstraw Press, 2006), 177-93. PSt

Ecological dystopia that requires reduced electricity supplies even to hospitals. This results in babies being allowed to die or even being killed to save others. Female author.