Gerania: A New Discovery of a Little sort of People Anciently Discoursed of, called Pygmies. With a lively Description Of their Stature, Habit, Manners, Buildings, Knowledge, and Government, being very delightful and profitable

TitleGerania: A New Discovery of a Little sort of People Anciently Discoursed of, called Pygmies. With a lively Description Of their Stature, Habit, Manners, Buildings, Knowledge, and Government, being very delightful and profitable
Year for Search1675
AuthorsBarnes, Joshua(1654-1721)
Date Published1675
PublisherPtd. by W.G. for Obadiah Blagrave
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsEnglish author, Male author

Agrarian, monarchical eutopia. The people are Christian and appear to be naturally good. No desire for riches. The people recognize their interdependence, and everyone has an occupation that helps others.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

The author (1654-1721) was Professor of Greek at Cambridge University.

Full Text

1675 Barnes, Joshua (1654-1721). Gerania: A New Discovery of a Little sort of People Anciently Discoursed of, called Pygmies. With a lively Description Of their Stature, Habit, Manners, Buildings, Knowledge, and Government, being very delightful and profitable. London: Ptd. by W.G. for Obadiah Blagrave. CSmH, LLL, O

Agrarian, monarchical eutopia. The people are Christian and appear to be naturally good. No desire for riches. The people recognize their interdependence, and everyone has an occupation that helps others. The author was Professor of Greek at Cambridge University.