"Geriatric Ward"

Title"Geriatric Ward"
Year for Search2008
AuthorsCard, Orson Scott(b. 1951)
Secondary TitleKeeper of Dreams
Date Published2008
Place PublishedNew York
KeywordsMale author, US author

Dystopia of a short intense life.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. Brave New Worlds. Ed. John Joseph Adams (San Francisco, CA: Night Shade Books, 2011), 385-99; 2nd ed. as Brave New Worlds: Dystopian Stories. Ed. John Joseph Adams (San Francisco, CA: Night Shade Books, 2012), 385-99. 

Holding Institutions


Author Note

(b. 1951)

Full Text

2008 Card, Orson Scott (b. 1951). “Geriatric Ward.” In his Keeper of Dreams (New York: Tor, 2008), 111-31. Rpt. Brave New Worlds. Ed. John Joseph Adams (San Francisco, CA: Night Shade Books, 2011), 385-99; 2nd ed. as Brave New Worlds: Dystopian Stories. Ed. John Joseph Adams (San Francisco, CA: Night Shade Books, 2012), 385-99. PSt

Dystopia of a short intense life.