Titan, Son of Saturn. The Coming World Emperor

TitleTitan, Son of Saturn. The Coming World Emperor
Year for Search1905
AuthorsBurroughs,, Joseph Birkbeck M.D.(1854-1921)
Date Published1905
PublisherThe Emeth Publishers
Place PublishedOberlin, OH
KeywordsMale author, US author

Religious eutopia. The first twenty-eight chapters (twenty-nine in the 10th ed.) is on Armageddon (See Revelation 16), but Chapter XXIX (XXX in the 10th ed.) is on “The Kingdom of God” where the Saints rule. In the 10th ed., there are four appendices (409-52) in which the author gives supporting evidence.

Additional Publishers

10th and later eds. rev. with the added subtitle A Story of the Other Christ. Oberlin, OH: The Emeth Publishers, 1914. The manuscript is at Oberlin College.

Holding Institutions


Author Note

US author (1854-1921).

Full Text

1905 Burroughs, Joseph Birkbeck, M.D. (1854-1921). Titan, Son of Saturn. The Coming World Emperor. Oberlin, OH: The Emeth Publishers. 10th and later eds. rev. with the added subtitle A Story of the Other Christ. Oberlin, OH: Emeth Publishers, 1914. The manuscript is at Oberlin College. OO, PSt

Religious eutopia. The first twenty-eight chapters (twenty-nine in the 10th ed.) is on Armageddon (See Revelation 16), but Chapter XXIX (XXX in the 10th ed.) is on “The Kingdom of God” where the Saints rule. In the 10th ed., there are four appendices (409-52) in which the author gives supporting evidence.