A Visit to Mars

TitleA Visit to Mars
Year for Search1951
AuthorsAlbertson, Garrett V.
Date Published[1951]
PublisherMoody Press
Place PublishedChicago, IL
KeywordsMale author

Detailed eutopia on Mars with a focus on religion and technology. Struggle between good and evil. Stress on the nuclear family. There are various worlds even more advanced than Mars.

Info Notes

The press is that of the Moody Bible College.

Holding Institutions


Full Text

[1951] Albertson, Garrett V. A Visit to Mars. Chicago, IL: Moody Press. The press is that of the Moody Bible College. MoU-St

Detailed eutopia on Mars with a focus on religion and technology. Struggle between good and evil. Stress on the nuclear family. There are various worlds even more advanced than Mars.