"Young Tom"

Title"Young Tom"
Year for Search1976
AuthorsMorgan, Dan(1925-2011)
Secondary AuthorsBulmer, [Henry] Kenneth(1921-2005)
Tertiary AuthorsBulmer, Kenneth
Secondary TitleNew Writings in SF
Volume / Edition(29)
Date Published1976
PublisherSidgwick & Jackson
Place PublishedLondon
KeywordsEnglish author, Male author

Overpopulation dystopia in which one can get a "life credit" permitting the birth of a child on the death of a relative.

Holding Institutions


Author Note


Full Text

1976 Morgan, Dan (1925-2011). “Young Tom.” New Writings in SF (29). Ed. [Henry] Kenneth Bulmer (London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1976), 155-62.

Overpopulation dystopia in which one can get a “life credit” permitting the birth of a child on the death of a relative.