Garst, Barry A., Joseph R. Hunnings, Kathleen Jamison, Jewel Hairston, Robert R. Meadows, and Wendy R. Herdman. 2006. “Exploring the Adolescent Life Skill Outcomes of State 4-H Congress Participation and the Different Outcomes of Gender and Race Groups”. Journal of Extension 44 (6).
Barry A. Garst
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Barry A. Garst
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Garst, Barry A., and F. A. Bruce. 2003. “Identifying 4-H Camping Outcomes Using a Standardized Evaluation Process across Multiple 4-H Educational Centers”. Journal of Extension 41 (3).
McNeely, Niki Nestor, Barry A. Garst, Jill T. Martz, and Janet Nagele. 2005. “Trends in Camping Research: Implications for 4-H Camp Programming”. NAE4-HA Conference Proceedings.
Garst, Barry A., and Jeremy Johnson. 2005. “Adolescent Leadership Skill Development through Residential 4-H Camp Counseling”. Journal of Extension 43 (5).
Garst, Barry A., I. Schneider, and D. Baker. 2001. “The Impact of the Outdoor Adventure Experience on Adolescent Self-Perception”. Journal of Experiential Education 24 (1): 41-49.
Garst, Barry A., Sarah Baughman, and Nancy Franz. 2014. “Benchmarking Professional Development Practices across Youth Serving Organizations: Implications for Extension”. Journal of Extension 52 (5).