Lewis, Kendra M., and Steven M. Worker. 2015. “Examination of Attitude and Interest Measures for 4-H Science Evaluation”. Journal of Extension 53 (3). https://archives.joe.org/joe/2015june/rb4.php.
Steven M. Worker
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Steven M. Worker
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Steven M.
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Lewis, Kendra M., Shannon J. Horrillo, Keith Widaman, Steven M. Worker, and Kali Trzesniewski. 2015. “National 4-H Common Measures: Initial Evaluation from California 4-H”. Journal of Extension 53 (2). https://archives.joe.org/joe/2015april/rb3.php.
Smith, Martin H., Katherine E. Heck, and Steven M. Worker. 2012. “4-H Boosts Youth Scientific Literacy With ANR Water Education Curriculum”. California Agriculture 66 (4). https://escholarship.org/uc/item/62h8v687.
Worker, Steven M. 2013. “Embracing Scientific and Engineering Practices in 4-H”. Journal of Extension 51 (3). https://archives.joe.org/joe/2013june/iw3.php.
Worker, Steven M. 2014. “Evaluating Adolescent Satisfaction of a 4-H Leadership Development Conference”. Journal of Extension 52 (2). https://archives.joe.org/joe/2014april/rb4.php.