Turner, Ray A., and Barnard D. Joy. 1941. “Tentative Conclusions from Study of Local 4-H Club Programs in Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota”. Extension Service Stencil.
Barnard D. Joy
Fixed Name
Barnard D. Joy
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Barnard D.
Last name
Joy, Barnard D. 1934. “Some Factors Influencing Length of 4-H Club Membership”. University of Maryland.
Joy, Barnard D. 1938. “Who Joins 4-H Clubs?”. Agricultural Extension Service Review 9 (2): 21.
Joy, Barnard D., M. H. Coe, T. Erickson, Grace Rowntree, and Ray A. Turner. (1941) 1941. “Volunteer Leaders Are Essential to the 4-H Program: A Study of Local Leadership in 4-H Club Work in Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri and Wisconsin”. USDA Extension Service Circular.
Joy, Barnard D., W. Palmer, H Ainsworth, A. Kettunen, and E. T. Pilchard. (1939) 1939. “Problems of 4-H Local Leaders in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio: One Thousand One Hundred and Thirty Leaders Furnished Information about Their Seven Most Difficult Problems in Leading Local 4-H Clubs”. USDA Agricultural Extension Service Circular.
Joy, Barnard D., and L. Crile. 1941. “4-H Club and Older Youth Studies, 1940-41: Summaries, Findings, Bibliography, Studies in Progress”. Extension Service Circular.
Joy, Barnard D. 1939. “Twenty-Five Years of 4-H Club Work: Analysis of Statistical Trends With Special Reference to 1938”. Extension Service Circular.
Joy, Barnard D. 1934. “The Length of 4-H Club Membership. Part 1.”. National 4-H Fellowship Student.
Joy, Barnard D., and D. P. Murray. 1938. “Situations, Problems and Interests of Unmarried Rural Young People 16-25 Years of Age - Utah”. Extension Service Circular.
Joy, Barnard D. 1936. “Statistical Analysis of Trends in 4-H Club Work With Special Reference to 1935”. Extension Service Circular.
Joy, Barnard D. 1940. “4-H Club and Older Youth Studies: Some Findings, Bibliography and Studies in Progress”. Extension Service Circular.
Joy, Barnard D., and United States Extension Service. 1941. “Partial and Preliminary Report of Study of Local 4-H Club Programs in Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota.”. Washington DC: United States Department of Agriculture. https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/643929400.
Turner, Ray A., and Barnard D. Joy. 1941. “State Leaders in Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota”. Ag Extension Service Stencil 1012-41.