Turner, Ray A. 1938. “A Decade of 4-H in College: A Statistical Study of Former 4-H Club Members Enrolled As Students in Agricultural and Home Economics Courses at State College of Agriculture in the Central States”. USDA Agr. Ext. Service, Stencil No. 104-38.
Ray A. Turner
Fixed Name
Ray A. Turner
First name
Ray A.
Last name
Turner, Ray A. 1939. “An Anniversary Year Summary of Former 4-H Club Members Attending College”. USDA Ex. Service Stencil No. 110-39.
Turner, Ray A. 1935. “Report of boys’ and girls’ 4-H Clubs in the Central States, 1934. Twenty Years of 4-H Club Accomplishment”. USDA Extension Service Circular.
Turner, Ray A., and Barnard D. Joy. 1941. “State Leaders in Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota”. Ag Extension Service Stencil 1012-41.
Joy, Barnard D., M. H. Coe, T. Erickson, Grace Rowntree, and Ray A. Turner. (1941) 1941. “Volunteer Leaders Are Essential to the 4-H Program: A Study of Local Leadership in 4-H Club Work in Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri and Wisconsin”. USDA Extension Service Circular.
Turner, Ray A., and Barnard D. Joy. 1941. “Tentative Conclusions from Study of Local 4-H Club Programs in Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota”. Extension Service Stencil.
Turner, Ray A. (1936) 1936. “National 4-H Club Report, 1934”. Extension Service Circular.
Turner, Ray A. 1941. “A Study of Former 4-H Club Members in United States Attending Agricultural Colleges, 1940-1941”. USDA Agr. ES Stencil No. 195-41.
Turner, Ray A. (1940) 1940. “The 4-H Clubs Forge Ahead: Report of National 4-H Club Work”. ES Circular 330.
Turner, Ray A. 1937. “4-H Goes to College”. USDA Ag. Ext. Service Stencil No. 107-37.
Turner, Ray A. 1935. “4-H Club Members Attend Agricultural Colleges”. USDA Ag. Ext. Service Stencil No. 96-13.
Turner, Ray A. 1936. “The Present Occupations of Former 4-H Club Members”. USDA Ag. Ext. Service Stencil No. 967-36.
Turner, Ray A. 1940. “Still More Former 4-H Club Members Attend Agricultural College”. USDA Agr. Ext. Service Stencil No. 186-40.