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“An evaluation of the Detroit urban gardening program”. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University, Center for Urban Affairs, College of Urban Development. https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/4864935
. 1978. “Process and impact evaluation: The Detroit 4-H program, Final report”. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University, Center for Urban Affairs/College of Urban Development. https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/2786531
. 1976. “A reconceptualized analysis of the West Virginia 4-H Global Education program: Attitudes of agents, specialists, and volunteers”. Doctoral diss., Morgantown, WV, West Virginia University. doi: 10.33915/etd.3503
. 2009. “The impact of Georgia 4-H livestock projects on participant leadership skills: a qualitative study of 4-H alumni”. Master's thesis, Athens, GA, University of Georgia. https://esploro.libs.uga.edu/esploro/outputs/9949332834902959
. 2015. . 1974.
“Community-based science education for fourth to six graders: Influences of a female role model”. Doctoral diss., University of Nebraska, Lincoln. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/dissertations/AAI3104602/
. 2003. “Media competencies needed by county 4-H extension agents as perceived by 4-H agents and state 4-H program leaders”. Doctoral diss., University of Arizona.
. 1984. “Enrollment in Arapahoe County 4-H”. Master's thesis, Regis University, Denver.
. 2000. “History of 4-H club work in Oklahoma”. Master's thesis, Oklahoma State University.
. 1954. . 2009.
“The present and desired involvement of extension agents, 4-H in selected tasks of Extension programs as perceived by themselves and by their county extension directors”. Doctoral diss., Oklahoma State University.
. 1977. “The development and testing of a basic 4-H experimental learning center unit for present and prospective Tennessee 4-H agents”. Master's thesis, University of Tennessee.
. 1974. . 1970.
“Relations between 4-H enrollment and selected characteristics of Tennessee's County 4-H extension programs”. Master's thesis, University of Nebraska.
. 1969. “4-H junior leadership in Washington as seen by the county agents: Special problems report”. Master's thesis, Washington State University.
. 1961. “An evaluation of the Washington State Northwest District 4-H Camp”. Master's thesis, Washington State University.
. 1987. “Evaluation of effectiveness of youth expanded food and nutrition education program (EFNEP) in Winston County, Mississippi”. Master's thesis, Mississippi State University.
. 1985. “Background and design for a study of vitality factors in 4-H club work”. Doctoral diss., University of Maryland.
. 1956. An interpretation of 4-H history. [Washington, DC]: Federal Extension Service.
. 1961. “The role of the assistant county agent as perceived by 4-H adult and junior leaders”. Master's thesis, University of Wisconsin.
. 1958. “An empirical research study of 4-H camping in Southeast Missouri”. Thesis, University of Missouri.
. 1968. “The role of volunteer leaders in the Cooperative Extension 4-H youth development program in selected counties in Iowa”. Master's thesis, Iowa State University.
. 1989. “Quantitative and qualitative assessments of thriving and contribution in early adolescence: Findings from the 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development”. Journal of Youth Development 1(2). doi: 10.5195/jyd.2006.383
. 2006.