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“Welcome to the club: Education where the bell never rings”. Doctoral diss., Montana State University.
. 1996. “The challenge of retaining 4-H members”. PRK Abstract - Published in Journal of Extension 23(3): 14-15. https://archives.joe.org/joe/1985fall/sa4.php
. 1985. “An experimental evaluation of resource materials on leadership/delegation for 4-H youth”. Presented at the Research Reports Proceedings of Annual Conference, TX, 14-18.
. 1985. “Making the best better: 4-H staffing patterns and trends in the largest professional network in the nation”. Journal of Youth Development 2(2). doi: 10.5195/jyd.2007.343
. 2007. “Enhancing the project meeting experience: A study of the impact of leader training on two levels in Bennett's Hierarchy”. Presented at the Research Reports of Annual Conference, TX, 19-24.
. 1985. . 1996.
. 2001.
“Getting down to business: Defining competencies for entry-level youth workers”. New Directions for Youth Development(104): 25-37.
. 2004. “More than Cows & Cooking: Newest research shows the impact of 4-H”. Journal of Extension 40(4). https://archives.joe.org/joe/2002august/a6.php
. 2002.