“4-H club members attend agricultural colleges”. USDA Ag. Ext. Service Stencil No. 96-13.
. 1935. “Report of boys' and girls' 4-H clubs in the central states, 1934. Twenty years of 4-H club accomplishment”. USDA Extension Service Circular.
. 1935. 1936
“National 4-H club report, 1934”. Extension Service Circular.
. 1936. “The present occupations of former 4-H club members”. USDA Ag. Ext. Service Stencil No. 967-36.
. 1936. 1938
. 1938.
“An anniversary year summary of former 4-H club members attending college”. USDA Ex. Service Stencil No. 110-39.
. 1939. 1940
“The 4-H clubs forge ahead: Report of National 4-H club work”. ES Circular 330.
. 1940. “Still more former 4-H club members attend agricultural college”. USDA Agr. Ext. Service Stencil No. 186-40.
. 1940. 1941
“State leaders in Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota”. Ag Extension Service Stencil 1012-41.
. 1941. “A study of former 4-H club members in United States attending agricultural colleges, 1940-1941”. USDA Agr. ES Stencil No. 195-41.
. 1941. “Tentative conclusions from study of local 4-H club programs in Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota”. Extension Service Stencil.
. 1941. . 1941.
“The 4-H clubs line up for Uncle Sam: National 4-H club report for 1943”. ES Circular 420.
. 1944.