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“The 4-H program assistant's role”. Journal of Extension 13(4): 11-18. https://archives.joe.org/joe/1975july/1975-4-a2.pdf
. 1975. F
“The functional development and evaluation of a youth staffing model utilizing the ideal role of the paraprofessional youth worker”. Special Project Report No. 12-05-300-191.
. 1974. R
“A review of literature on local 4-H leadership”. Master's thesis, University of Maryland.
. 1964. “Role model for the paraprofessional youth worker”. ES USDA Bulletin 4-H-11 (8-73). https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED080871.pdf
. 1973. “Role model for the paraprofessional youth worker in the Extension Service”. Doctoral diss., North Carolina State University.
. 1972.