An assessment of youth development/community service programs from Iowa public school superintendents' perspective

Reference Type Thesis
Year of Publication
Contributors Author: Charles Ronald Sallade
Iowa State University
Thesis Type
Doctoral diss.
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Four hundred and thirty-three Iowa public school superintendents were surveyed related to the degree of participation in selected youth programs, their perceptions of which youth programs would be the most beneficial, and their recommendation of at least one existing program which was especially effective. It was concluded that beyond youth organizations such as scouting, 4-H, and sports, youth participation in community service programs was at a moderately low level. Those most desirable in light of unmet needs were: parent education, drug abuse prevention, family crisis counseling, peers helping/peer tutoring and individual crisis counseling. Data from the survey were submitted to human services personnel, policy makers and community service personnel to assist in the determination of future public policy.


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