A comparison of traditional and world wide web methodologies, computer anxiety and higher order thinking sills in the in-service training of Mississippi 4-H Extension agents

TitleA comparison of traditional and world wide web methodologies, computer anxiety and higher order thinking sills in the in-service training of Mississippi 4-H Extension agents
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsSexton, JS, Raven, M, Newman, ME
JournalJournal of Agricultural Education
AbstractThis study compared traditional and world wide web based Extension agent in-service training in Mississippi with respect to higher-order thinking skills and computer anxiety. Researchers found no statistically significant difference in the post-test based on the training methodology, the agents' level of computer anxiety or the interaction of these two variables. However, the interaction between type of training method (traditional or web-based) and computer anxiety was statistically significant at the .10 level of significance. Researchers concluded that agents in the traditional group scored statistically significantly higher than agents in the web-based group on the application level post-test.