Here today, gone tomorrow: An investigation into why older youth leave the 4-H program

Reference Type Thesis
Year of Publication
Contributors Author: Mary Beth Albright
Ohio State University
Thesis Type
Doctoral diss.
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For years, 4-H has struggled with the complex problems of membership retention, especially among older youth. However, little research has been done concerning why 4-H members choose to leave the program. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the retention of older 4-H youth. Specifically, the study sought to investigate the reasons older youth choose not to re-enroll in the Erie County 4-H program. Specific objectives of the study were to: (a) explore the reasons why youth chose not to re-enroll in the Erie County 4-H Youth Development program (b) identify the barriers to participation in the 4-H program for Erie County youth, and (c) determine what conditions would facilitate participation in the Erie County 4-H program.