Level of youth voice in the decision-making process within the 4-H youth development program as perceived by state 4-H program leaders, state 4-H youth development specialists, and 4-H agents/educators
Reference Type | Thesis |
Year of Publication |
Contributors |
Todd Tarifa |
Degree |
University |
Louisiana State University
City/Place Published |
Baton Rouge, LA
Thesis Type |
Doctoral diss.
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Abstract |
The information gathered from program leaders, 4-H specialists, and 4-H youth agents was utilized in identifying the level of inclusiveness of youth's "voice" in the decision making process. Three constructs were identified to have an effect on the participants personal views: (1) adult initiated-youth involved, (2) youth led-adult supported, and (3) youth involved-adult decision making. Researcher notes that from a standpoint of organizational culture, 4-H has a double standard on including youth in the decision-making process. |