Making the best better: 4-H staffing patterns and trends in the largest professional network in the nation

TitleMaking the best better: 4-H staffing patterns and trends in the largest professional network in the nation
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsAstroth, K
JournalJournal of Youth Development
Date PublishedFall 2007

Results from the National 4-H Headquarters survey of 4-H workforce provides baseline data about 4-H staffing, structures in which 4-H professionals work, and salary ranges as reported by state Extension 4-H directors. All 50 states responded to the survey and results were reported in 8 areas.The survey revealed that academic training of 4-H professionals and compensation for 4-H youth workers was higher compared to counterparts in youth work elsewhere. While funding has remained stable, there has been an increase in the use of para-professionals for program delivery.


Modified from Journal of Youth Development abstract
