The professional competencies needed by extension agents in the Pennsylvania Cooperative Extension Service
Reference Type | Thesis |
Year of Publication |
Contributors |
Ismael Miley Gonzalez |
Degree |
University |
Penn State University
Thesis Type |
Doctoral diss.
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Abstract |
The study identified 144 professional competencies needed by extension agents in Pennsylvania. A stratified random sample of extension agents in agriculture and natural resources, family living, 4-H and community development from nine administrative districts was selected for the study. A questionnaire, cover letter and self-addressed stamped envelope were mailed to 116 Extension agents and state staff members. Descriptive statistics and regression analysis were used to analyze the data. There were no significant differences in the perceptions of extension agents and state staff members regarding the importance of nine competency categories. The combined demographic factors showed a significant effect in the case of the youth program execution and administrative competency scales. The combined responses indicated that 26 competencies should be learned before entering the job, 6 competencies during a graduate program, and the remaining 113 can be learned on the job or through in-service. Finally, competencies included in the teaching, communication and understanding of human behavior categories should form a key component of any undergraduate program developed for preparing Extension agents. |
Notes |
Modified NAL abstract |