A Profile of Program Development Efforts

Reference Type Miscellaneous
Year of Publication
Contributors Author: Jon E. Irby
Author: Connie McKenna
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The purpose of this Extension Service study were to determine perceptions of competencies needed by 4-H professionals in program development, to identify program development models currently in use by 4-H, and determine common components in successful implementation of the program development process. 333 staff development officers, state 4-H specialists and program development staff were surveyed as well as a random sample of 349 county staff. Usable data were 242 state staff and 262 county staff.
Duncan's Multiple Range test was used. The major finding from the study indicated that perceptions of state and county staff often differe as to the importance of survey item, i.e. county staff perceive their ability to perform as better than state staff do. Six program development models were selected. Recommendation: both state and county staff be involved in inservice planning.
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