The relationship of marketing activities and promotional methods used with county 4-H club membership in New Jersey and Ohio

TitleThe relationship of marketing activities and promotional methods used with county 4-H club membership in New Jersey and Ohio
Year of Publication1987
AuthorsDiem, KG
UniversityOhio State University
Thesis TypeDoctoral diss.
Call NumberS533.F66D5

A mailed questionnaire developed by the researcher was used to collect data regarding promotional methods and marketing activities used by 107 county 4-H programs in New Jersey and Ohio. Information was also gathered from US Census Reports and Cooperative Extension Statistical Reports. Descriptive statistics regarding the frequency and type of promotional methods and marketing activities used are presented. No significant relationships were found between degree of use of promotional methods and degree of use marketing activities with 4-H club membership. Percent of a county's population living in urban areas was found to be the single best prediction of percent of potential youth served by 4-H clubs, explaining 61% of the variance.