Resilience and vulnerability: The deployment experiences of youth in military families

TitleResilience and vulnerability: The deployment experiences of youth in military families
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsHuebner, AJ, Mancini, JA
Series EditorWade, KE, Mcelhaney, SJ, Wiles, BB, Butler, JL, Ford, JL
Pagination32 pp.
Date Publisheddated June 2010
InstitutionDepartment of Human Development Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Department of Child and Family Development The University of Georgia

Report summarizes findings of a study supported by the U.S. Army's Military Kids that focused on the adaptation of adolescents in military famiies when a parent is deployed, as well as when the family experiences multiple deployments. Adolescents were identified via their attendance in one of their camps and through state 4-H military liaisons. The findings are an expansion of the previous work by the above authors published in 2005. The report is divided into 6 sections. Findings are largely anecdotal and implications are provided for future research, including support for parents and youth.


Printed copy. Jay A. Mancini and Lydia I Marek, Principal Investigators. Byline includes "with Kristin E. Wade, Sarah J. McElhaney, Bradford B. Wiles, John L. Butler VI, & James L. Ford"