This bibliography consists of print and electronic resources on all aspects of web accessibility in libraries, both public and academic. The project encompasses electronic accessibility in all formats, including: online catalogs, databases, electronic books and journals, web sites, online tutorials, search engines, digitized collections, and online citation managers. The bibliography includes books, articles, websites, and other documents, and serves as a resource for libraries that want to move toward accessibility for all their electronic resources.
To recommend additions or corrections to the bibliography, click the "contact" link.
Support for this project was provided by a 2015 American Library Association Carnegie Whitney Grant. Resources were compiled and annotated by Lewen Wei and Tongxin Sun. Assistance with data upload and formatting was provided by Mark Mattson, Andrew Gearhart, and Michele Barbin.
Questions and comments about this project are welcome and may be submitted to the project managers, Dawn Amsberry ( and Binky Lush (