The impact of E-readers and E-books on the library of Congress and the US copyright office

TitleThe impact of E-readers and E-books on the library of Congress and the US copyright office
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsArtiles, Michael, Beaulieu, Christian, Carey, Samantha, Danza, Madeline, Gatian, Andrew, Gavin, Alexa, Greco, Albert, Jameson, Alexandra, McWilliams, Adam, Samuelson, Kristen, and Wharton, Robert
JournalJournal of Scholarly Publishing
NotesThis article discussed both development and problems of digitizing books for the Library of Congress and the US copyright office. Several concrete recommendations were identified as well to further improve the operational practice of promoting e-readers and e-books. Therefore, librarians could use lessons in this study to increase library digital accessibility in a more efficient way.