Web Accessibility: Web Standards and Regulatory Compliance

TitleWeb Accessibility: Web Standards and Regulatory Compliance
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsThatcher, Jim, Burks, Michael R., Heilmann, Christian, Lawton, Shawn, Kirkpatrick, Henry Andrew, Lauke, Patrick H., Lawson, Bruce, Regan, Bob, Rutter, Richard, Urban, Mark, Waddell, Cynthia, Henry, Shawn Lawton, and Kirkpatrick, Andrew
ISBN Number1-59059-638-2

This book introduced basic guidelines of web accessibility with regards to web standards and regulatory compliance. Three aspects were discussed in here: 1) understanding the impact of web accessibility; 2) how to implement web accessibility to better design websites; 3) pertinent laws and policies about web accessibility issues. This book should provide some insights into both scholars and practitioners in WA field. Besides, people with or without disabilities could benefit from information delivered in this book at the same time.