Archives, accessibility, and advocacy: a case study of strategies for creating and maintaining relevance.

TitleArchives, accessibility, and advocacy: a case study of strategies for creating and maintaining relevance.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsWelch, Jennifer, Hoffius, Susan D., and Fox, E. Brooke
JournalJournal of the Medical Library Association : JMLA
ISSN Number15365050
Accession Number21243056
AbstractQUESTION/OBJECTIVE: How can a special collection maintain or increase its profile in its parent institution, when that parent institution emphasizes scientific and clinical learning?
SETTING/CONTEXT: The Waring Historical Library, Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), preserves and promotes the history of health sciences at MUSC and in South Carolina. As a state entity, MUSC has suffered significant budget cuts for the past several years. In this climate, the Waring had to find ways to maintain relevance in the MUSC community.
METHODS: The Waring partnered with the MUSC College of Nursing to explore new ways to build institutional allies. By combining traditional archival administration with innovative uses of digital collections aimed at institutional promotion and outreach, the Waring's digital library became an advocacy tool that led to the Waring's enhanced value to its parent institution.
OUTCOMES: The Waring Library is a resource for MUSC development and alumni relations. Tangible outcomes include additional funding from grants, increased staff, no loss of institutional funding, increased access to collections, increased accessions, cultivation of institutional allies for long-term support of the Waring, and development of a template for future partnerships.
NotesThis article discussed a practical case of the Waring Library with respect to development of digital library accessibility. The advocacy and outcomes of the MEDICA project were them analyzed, to prove its efficacy of achieving better library accessibility to the public users. Future practice could learn from lessons in this project and develop more cases to increase overall library digital accessibility.