Making Web-based tables accessible for users of screen readers

TitleMaking Web-based tables accessible for users of screen readers
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsAmtmann, Dagmar, Johnson, Kurt, and Cook, Debbie
JournalLibrary Hi Tech
ISBN Number0737883021043
Keywordsblind, internet
AbstractReading and understanding information presented in tabular format have posed specific challenges for blind individuals who use screen readers to access computers. The results of a study of the types of problems blind individuals using screen readers experienced, when reading tables on the World Wide Web, have been summarized. Nine blind participants were asked to extract information from tables with varying levels of complexity. The participants used combinations of commonly used screen readers and Web browsers. The presentation of information in the tables was systematically varied through use of several HTML coding methods. The participants in the study found tasks that required them to extract information from tables challenging and often frustrating. Suggestions for making tables accessible to users of screen readers are provided.