Voyager 2000: a review of accessibility for persons with visual disabilities

TitleVoyager 2000: a review of accessibility for persons with visual disabilities
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsAxtell, Robert, and Dixon, Judith M.
JournalLibrary Hi Tech
ISBN Number0737883021043
Keywordsblind, libraries
AbstractThe authors evaluate the accessibility for persons with visual disabilities of WebVoyage 2000, the online public access catalog from Endeavor. They briefly review the assistive technologies used by persons with visual disabilities and the major Web accessibility guidelines and requirements; then, using specific provisions from Federal Web accessibility regulations, they examine several Voyager implementations, reviewing introductory pages, search pages, limit pages, list and record displays, and help pages noting areas where particular elements of page design or construction cause the content to be confusing or unusable to a person using a screen reader. The evaluation is concluded with specific recommendations for Endeavor and the implementing libraries for necessary modifications to make WebVoyage usable by persons with visual disabilities.
NotesThe study reviewed the accessibility of WebVoyage 2000 for persons with visual disabilites. After briefly reviewing the assistive technologies used by persons with visual disabilities and the major Web accessibility guidelines, they evaluated varies pages of the website. Overall, the authors had a positive result and they put forward some helpful recommendations for future improvement of the web accessibility.