Accessible E-Learning: Equal Pedagogical Opportunities for Students with Sensory Limitations

TitleAccessible E-Learning: Equal Pedagogical Opportunities for Students with Sensory Limitations
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsBabu, Rakesh, and Midha, Vishal
JournalSAIS 2006 Proceedings
ISBN Number9781605662381
Keywordsassistive technology, distance education, education

The transformation of the world into a highly technological place has led to the evolution of learning from the traditional classroom to e-learning, using tools such as course management systems (CMS). By its very nature, e-learning offers a range of advantages over traditional pedagogical methods, including issues of physical access. It is particularly useful for people with sensory limitations as it offers a level playing field for them in learning. This study examines the accessibility, usability, and richness of CMS used for e-learning in institutions of higher education. A model is proposed that underscores the influence of accessibility, usability, and richness of the CMS, coupled with learning motivation on the learning success as perceived by students with sensory limitations. The model is tested by surveying university students with sensory limitations about their views on the course management system used. The results suggested that accessibility and usability of a CMS have a positive influence on the learning success as perceived by students with sensory limitations. (Author abstract)


The study examined the accessibility, usability, and richness of CMS (course management system) used for e-learning in higher education. Particularly, it focused on how this could help the student with sensory disabilities.
