Web accessibility policies at land-grant universities

TitleWeb accessibility policies at land-grant universities
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsBradbard, David A., Peters, Cara, and Caneva, Yoana
JournalInternet and Higher Education
ISSN Number10967516
Accession Number55059391
KeywordsAccessibility, higher education, Web accessibility, Web accessibility policy, Web design
AbstractThe Web has become an integral part of postsecondary education within the United States. There are specific laws that legally mandate postsecondary institutions to have Web sites that are accessible for students with disabilities (e.g., the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)). Web accessibility policies are a way for universities to provide a general guide to action for faculty and staff that serve as Website developers for the organization. The purpose of this study is to examine the extent and effectiveness of Web accessibility policies at land-grant universities in the United States. To that end, this paper presents a conceptual foundation for the study, ranging from an overview of Web accessibility studies, to legal mandates, to literature on organizational policies. Data collection consists of a content analysis of the Web accessibility policies of land-grant universities. Results show that while most universities have a Web accessibility policy, most policies have serious deficiencies. The deficiencies are of sufficient magnitude that many schools are likely in violation of the ADA and at risk for a law suit from a disabled person unless these policies are strengthened. (c)2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
NotesThis study attempted to examine the Web accessibility policies of land-grant universities in the United States. It conducted a content analysis of the web accessibility policies of land-grant universities. Results showed that while many universities had related policies, these policies were inefficient and likely to violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).