Accessibility barriers for users of screen readers in the Moodle learning content management system

TitleAccessibility barriers for users of screen readers in the Moodle learning content management system
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsCalvo, Rocío, Iglesias, Ana, and Moreno, Lourdes
JournalUniversal Access in the Information Society
KeywordsAccessibility, assistive technology, Authoring tool, blind, education, visually impaired
AbstractIn recent decades, the use of the Internet has spread rapidly into diverse social spheres including that of education. Currently, most educational centers make use of e-learning environments created through authoring tool applications like learning content management systems (LCMSs). However, most of these applications currently present accessibility barriers that make the creation of accessible e-learning environments difficult for teachers and administrators. In this paper, the accessibility of the Moodle authoring tool, one of the most frequently used LCMSs worldwide, is evaluated. More specifically, the evaluation is carried out from the perspective of two visually impaired users accessing content through screen readers, as well as a heuristic evaluation considering the World Wide Web Consortium's Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines. The evaluation results demonstrate that Moodle presents barriers for screen reader users, limiting their ability to access the tool. One example of accessibility problems for visually impaired users is the frequent inability to publish learning contents without assistance. In light of these results, the paper offers recommendations that can be followed to reduce or eliminate these accessibility barriers. (c)2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
NotesThis paper argues that Moodle limites visually impaired users' e-learning experience. Because of the particularity of the study, no authomatic tool was found, hence, Moodle was evaluated by an expert and the semi-automated tool. It was evaluated according to the ATAG 2.0 guidelines. In addition, users with visual disabilities were also recruited to evaluate the accessibility of Moodle. Results showed that Moodle did not conform to the accessibility standard. Furthermoer, it appeared to be not accessible for visually impaired individual users.