Establishing accessibility for e-journals: a suggested approach

TitleEstablishing accessibility for e-journals: a suggested approach
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsCoonin, Bryna
JournalLibrary Hi Tech
ISBN Number0737883021043
AbstractLibraries in the US are required by law to make library programs and services accessible to people with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act mandate that the responsibility for accessibility extends to the electronic environment. Increasingly, librarians who purchase electronic journals are becoming aware of the urgent need to consider accessibility issues, but many are uncertain about how to actually determine whether a product is accessible, and what to do if it is not. This study examines 11 major electronic research journal services for basic accessibility. Findings reflect that awareness of accessibility issues is low among electronic research journal service providers, with some notable exceptions. A strategy for increasing awareness of accessibility issues among e-journal providers is offered.
NotesAccording to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (1998), responsibility for accessibility extends to the electronic environment. In accordance, the study examined 11 major electronic research journal services to test their basic accessibility. The results indicated that most of the e-journal providers in the study did not provide products that meet basic requirements. The author provided helpful recommendations in terms of improving the quality of e-journal accessibility.