A Revaluation of the Cultural Dimension of Disability Policy in the European Union: The Impact of Digitization and Web Accessibility

TitleA Revaluation of the Cultural Dimension of Disability Policy in the European Union: The Impact of Digitization and Web Accessibility
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsFerri, Delia, and Giannoumis, G. Anthony
JournalBehavioral sciences & the law
ISSN Number1099-0798 (Electronic), 0735-3936 (Linking)
Accession Number20422646
KeywordsWeb accessibility
AbstractThis article briefly discusses the historical development of the constructs of paraphilia and psychopathy. An overview of recent developments in the assessment of these constructs for legal purposes is also provided. The historical, clinical, legal, and ethical obligations of clinicians who work with persons suffering from paraphilias and co-morbid psychopathy is then reviewed. An emphasis of the current article is integrating recent developments in the construct of psychopathy into a discussion of sex offender risk assessment and treatment. The co-morbidity of psychopathy and paraphilias as factors in predicting risk of recidivism is reviewed. The need for practitioners to remain cognizant of language requirements in both legal and clinical contexts is addressed. Finally, this article reviews the legal history of sex offender legislation and its evolution into current United States Supreme Court jurisprudence.
NotesThis article firstly briefly introduced the UNCRPD human rights demonstrations. It then focused its attention on the accessibility issue pertaining to cultural materails and digitization and the mainstraim accessibility requirements in EU.