Tips for Working with Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing Student Employees in the Library

TitleTips for Working with Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing Student Employees in the Library
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsHenderson, John
JournalJournal of Access Services
Keywordshearing disability, library

For a deaf or hard-of-hearing employee, working in an academic library can be a rewarding opportunity and a great way to interact with the hearing world. For department heads, it means changes or adjustments might need to be made in how training and interacting with their employees is handled. Using 10 tips to communicate, from visual aids to learning basic sign language, library managers and department heads can develop a positive working relationship with their deaf or hard-of-hearing employees.


This article gives 10 tips for department heads of how to train employees with hearing disabilities.
