Online form design for older adults: Introducing web-automated personalisation

TitleOnline form design for older adults: Introducing web-automated personalisation
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsLines, Lorna, Ikechi, Oluchi, Hone, Kate, and Elliman, Tony
Conference NameHCI, the web and the older population workshop
Conference LocationLondon
Keywordsolder adults, online forms

Access to e-Government services, such as welfare, housing and financial assistance is typically achieved through accessing, completing and submitting paper-based forms. More recently, UK eGovernment service access forms have been made available online. With the aging population considered as a primary user of these services this paper promotes the need to establish older adults’ online form design requirements. This paper briefly reports the validation and extension of earlier work and describes how the results from a recent study might be best employed to drive a forthcoming project that will investigate how web-automated personalization of online forms might be achieved to meet the interaction needs of older adults’.


This study focused on the promotion of older adults' online form design in relation to e-Government. It briefly discussed earlier work and how this work can be employed in the forthcoming project that will investigate how web-automated personalization of online forms could be achieved to increase the interaction between older adults and the website.