Virtual reference services for the print impaired: Separate, but not equal

TitleVirtual reference services for the print impaired: Separate, but not equal
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsPeters, Tom, and Bell, Lori
JournalComputers in Libraries
Keywordsvisual disability, web reference service
AbstractPhysical libraries and collections present a host of accessibility challenges for those patrons who are blind, have low vision, or have physical limitations. Unfortunately, library services and access are not automatically improved with the Internet, computers, or digital library services. Whenever a library collection or service becomes digitized and networked, a new set of accessibility challenges arises.
NotesThis article focused on the accessibility challenges raised by virtual or Web-based reference services for people with disabilities. Specifically, it discussed a project called InfoEyes for visually impaired people.