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Below you will find the Libraries Open Publishing bibliographies catalog. Each bibliography is published Open Access, and all applicable copyrights are retained by the editor of the publication and licensed under a Creative Commons license where appropriate. All of the bibliographies we publish are reviewed for scholarly importance and impact before they are approved for publication. 

Please visit individual bibliographies’ webpages for more information about them. 


Bibliographies Catalog

4-H Research: A Searchable Database of Research about the 4-H Program

4-H logo

Since 4‑H began more than 100 years ago, it has become the nation’s largest youth development organization. The 4‑H idea is simple: help young people and their families gain the skills needed to be proactive forces in their communities and develop ideas for a more innovative economy. 4-H Research is a searchable database that includes professional and graduate research studies about 4-H.

Art History Dissertations and Abstracts from North American Institutions

Word Cloud Image with dissertation, art, chapter, and American being large and in front.

The Art History Dissertations and Abstracts from North American Institutions dataset represents over a year of work collecting, collating, amending, and researching art history PhD dissertations submitted to CAA since 1980. The work was carried out by Catherine Adams and Carolyn Lucarelli of the Center for Virtual and Material Studies at Penn State, and art history graduate students, Jennifer Glissman, Emily Hagen, Kyle Marini. The dissertations and dataset present a rich area of study for the ways in which the field of art history has evolved over the last 40 years. The dataset presents over 6,000 dissertations from over 80 North American institutions. To enhance the value of the dataset and to create a fuller picture of the field of art history, the abstracts for the submitted dissertations were added when possible. This bibliography provides a historical look at the field and has already spurred an interest in digital humanities projects using both textual and network analyses.

Bibliography of Library History, 1990-2022

Library History Roundtable Logo

A long-running effort to help library historians identify the latest books, articles, chapters and dissertations in the field of library history, with an emphasis on North American and European scholarship.

Les Écrits d'Aimé Césaire: biobibliographie commentée (1913–2008)

The purpose of the bibliography "Les Écrits d'Aimé Césaire: biobibliographie commentée (1913–2008)" is twofold. First, to build on the editor's book, titled Les Ecrits de Aimé Césaire: bio-biblographie commentée 1913–2008 published in 2013 by Honoré Champion ( The bibliography will post information on texts from 1913–2008 discovered since publication of the book, as well as those appearing after 2008. Secondly, the bibliography offers information on current research on Césaire or other writers in his world, including book, articles, videos, links, and events. The editors encourage readers to provide information for the site by sending comments via the “nous écrire” page. Entries may be in French or English, or translated from other languages.

CIKARD (Center for Indigenous Knowledge and Rural Development) Bibliography

The Cultural Dimension of Development book jacket

The Center for Indigenous Knowledge and Rural Development (CIKARD) Bibliography is comprised of reports, thesis, articles and books pertaining to indigenous knowledge for agricultural and rural development. The materials were gathered between 1987 and 2000 by Dennis Michael Warren (1942-1997), an anthropologist and leading Africanist scholar who taught at Iowa State University from 1972-1997, and his colleagues and graduate students in CIKARD. For those interested in learning more about Dr. Warren see the finding aid to his papers located in the Iowa State University Special Collection and University Archives. 

EFNEP Research: A Searchable Database of Research for the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program

EFNEP bibliography logo

EFNEP, the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program, has been in existence for over forty years. Its goal is to educate low income families in the areas of nutrition, food preparation, and food management. This bibliography provides a database of research conducted about the program.

Global Building Network

Glowing city skyline overlaying interconnected dots and a view of the earth to represent a global network of buildings.
The Global Building Network (GBN) is a global effort to engage and convene stakeholders and partnerships that transcend disciplines and geographies to accelerate the development of research, education, and case studies on the multiple benefits of high-performance buildings. One of the goals of the GBN is the development of data coordination and knowledge management platforms for curating learnings from implemented projects across the globe. This bibliography is one of the knowledge platforms that is being developed in partnership with a transdisciplinary group of stakeholders from academia, public and private practice as well as community sector organizations.

Jean de Rotrou: bibliographie critique

Rotrou bibliography logo

Writing when Pierre Corneille was producing his first plays, Jean de Rotrou (1609-1650) was considered as one of France’s most renowned dramatists. Since then, his fame has considerably faded from our literary memory as have his plays vanished from our stage. This annotated bibliography demonstrates however that drama specialists have never snubbed him. Trailing the illustrious trio Corneille-Molière-Racine, one can justifiably say that Rotrou was indeed the most prominent playwright of the lesser ones of the “Grand Siècle”… the most talented of the less gifted ones.

Survival on the Margins: Polish Jewish Refugees in the Wartime Soviet Union Bibliography

Survival on the Margins book cover.

Over 200,000 Polish Jews fled Polish territory and survived the Second World War in the far reaches of the Soviet Union. They contended with extreme hunger, epidemic disease, cruel treatment, and the deaths of their family members and compatriots. And yet, on their return to Poland after the war, their own travails paled in comparison to the genocide they narrowly escaped. Survival on the Margins tells the improbable and largely unknown story of their wartime experiences.

The searchable bibliography contains the memoirs and collections of primary documents listed in the published book’s bibliography as well as the entire selection of secondary works cited throughout the book. It should be of use to scholars and students interested in learning more about the topic areas or particular books or authors.


The Pittsburgh Novel: Western Pennsylvania in Fiction and Drama, 1792-2022

The Pittsburgh Novel bookjacket with various images.

The Pittsburgh Novel: Western Pennsylvania in Fiction and Drama, 1792-2022 is an annotated bibliography of all known fiction with a significant geographical setting in any of Pennsylvania’s 26 westernmost counties between 1792 and 2022.

The Union Catalog of Early Movable Books

The Union Catalog of Early Movable Books: A Catalog of 17th to 19th Century Narrative Media for and by Children is a searchable database of copies of metamorphic pictures published between 1650 and 1890. The database is searchable by multiple variables and the results are sortable by year, title, author. Additionally, the blog titled Unfolding Metamorphoses provides current information from the editor, Dr. Reid-Walsh, as she explores early movable books and records her new findings and collaborations. 


Utopian Literature in English: An Annotated Bibliography From 1516 to the Present

Utopia bibliography logo

Utopian Literature in English attempts to be the definitive bibliography for utopian literature in the English language. This online database, a Penn State Libraries Open Publishing publication, catalogs utopian literature in its myriad forms from 1516 to the present day. This bibliography is updated and revised regularly with new citations and revisions.

Web Accessibility Resources for Libraries

Web Accessibility logo

Web Accessibility Resources for Libraries is a bibliography that consists of print and electronic resources on all aspects of web accessibility in libraries, both public and academic. The project encompasses electronic accessibility in all formats, including: online catalogs, databases, electronic books and journals, web sites, online tutorials, search engines, digitized collections, and online citation managers. The bibliography includes books, articles, websites, and other documents, and serves as a resource for libraries that want to move toward accessibility for all their electronic resources.