Carley, James P., ed. The Libraries of Henry VIII. London, England: British Library, 2000.
James P. Carley
Fixed Name
James P. Carley
First name
James P.
Last name
Carley, James P. “The Libraries of King Henry VIII: An Update of the Westminster Inventory of 1542”. The Library 7, no. 16 (2015): 282-303.
Carley, James P. The Books of King Henry VIII and His Wives. London, England: British Library , 2004.
Carley, James P. “Books Seen by Samuel Ward in Bibliotheca Regia, Circa 1614”. The British Library Journal 16, no. 1 (1990).
Carley, James P., and Colin G.C. Tite, eds. Books and Collectors, 1200-1700: Essays Presented to Andrew Watson. Boston Spa, England: British Library, 1997.