Davis, Donald G. , Jr., ed. Dictionary of American Library Biography, Second Supplement. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2003.
Donald G. Davis Jr.
Fixed Name
Donald G. Davis Jr.
First name
Donald G.
Last name
Davis, Donald G. , Jr. “Bread Upon the Waters: The Printed Word in Sunday Schools in 19th Century England and the United States”. In Reading for Moral Purposes: Papers from the Conference on Faith and History, Messiah College, Grantham, Penn., October 7-8, edited by Donald G. Davis Jr., David M. Hovde, and John Mark Tucker, 5-18. University of Illinois, GSLIS Occassional Papers no. 207, 1997.
Davis, Donald G. , Jr. “Eric Moon As the Twentieth-Century Embodiment of Melvil Dewey? A Review Essay”. Libraries & Culture 38 (2003): 389-97.
Davis, Donald G. , Jr. “Bread Upon the Waters: The Printed Word in Sunday Schools in 19th Century England and the United States”. In Reading for Moral Purposes: Papers from the Conference on Faith and History, Messiah College, Grantham, Penn., October 7-8, edited by Donald G. Davis Jr., David M. Hovde, and John Mark Tucker, 5-18. University of Illinois, GSLIS Occassional Papers no. 207, 1997.
Davis, Donald G. , Jr. “Ninety Years of Education for the Profession: Reflections on the Early Years”. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 46, no. 3 (2005): 266-70.
Davis, Donald G. , Jr. “An Odyssey in Scholarly Library History: JLH L&C at 35”. In Conference Papers for IFLA 65th General Conference, Bangkok, 20-28 August, 1999. Booklet 7, Continuing and Professional Education. Bangkok: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, 113-20. https://origin-archive.ifla.org/IV/ifla65/papers/088-138e.htm.
Davis, Donald G. , Jr., and Gloria Meraz. “TLA & Texas Libraries: The Early Years”. Texas Library Journal 77, no. 2 (2001): 55-57.
Davis, Donald G. , Jr., Cheryl Knott Malone, and John Mark Tucker. “Reading for Liberation: The Role of Libraries in the 1964 Mississippi Freedom Summer Project”. In Untold Stories: Civil Rights, Libraries, and Black Librarianship, 110-25. Champaign, IL: Graduate School of Library and Information Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998.
Davis, Donald G. , Jr., and Jon Arvid Aho. “Whither Library History? A Critical Essay on Black’s Model for the Future of Library History, With Some Additional Options”. Library History 17, no. 1 (2001): 21-37.
Hovde, David M. “The Library Is a Valuable Hygienic Appliance”. In Reading for Moral Purposes: Papers from the Conference on Faith and History, Messiah College, Grantham, Penn., October 7-8, edited by Donald G. Davis Jr., David M. Hovde, and John Mark Tucker, 19-42. University of Illinois, GSLIS Occasional Papers no. 207, 1997.
Davis, Donald G. , Jr., and John Mark Tucker. “The Impact of the Christian Faith on Books, Publishing, and Libraries: American Organizations and Leaders in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries”. Library and Information History 32, no. 1-2 (2016): 112-22.
Malone, Cheryl Knott, and Donald G. Davis Jr.. “Accommodating Access: Colored Carnegie Libraries, 1905-1925”. University of Texas at Austin, 1996.
Davis, Donald G. , Jr., and John Mark Tucker. “Written for Our Instruction: Professional Ancestors Who Integrated Faith and Practice”. The Christian Librarian 47, no. 1 (2004).
Yu, Priscilla C., and Donald G. Davis Jr.. “Arthur E. Bostwick and Chinese Library Development: A Chapter in International Cooperation”. Libraries & Culture 33, no. Fall (1998): 389-406.
Davis, Donald G. , Jr., Deon Dempsey, and A.E. Skinner. A Bibliography of Texas Library History, 1685-2000. Austin, TX: Eakin Press, 2002.
Davis, Donald G. , Jr. “Ebla to the Electronic Dream: The Role of Historical Perspectives in Professional Education”. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 39, no. 3 (1998): 228-35.
Davis, Donald G. , Jr., Jon Arvid Arvid, and A.E. Skinner. A Chronology of Texas Library History, 1685-2000. Austin, TX: Eakin Press, 2002.
Wiegand, Wayne A., and Donald G. Davis Jr., eds. Encyclopedia of Library History. New York, NY: Garland Pub. Inc, 1994.
Huanwen, Cheng, and Donald G. Davis Jr.. “Loss of a Recorded Heritage: Destruction of Chinese Books in the Peking Siege of 1900”. Library Trends 55, no. 3 (2007): 431-41.
Davis, Donald G. , Jr., Kenneth E. Carpenter, and Jane Aikin. Winsor, Dewey, and Putnam: The Boston Experience. University of Illinois GSLIS, Occasional Papers. Vol. 212. Champaign, IL: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois, 2002.
Davis, Donald G. , Jr. “Caught in the Coup: IFLA in Moscow, 1991”. Libraries & Culture 27, no. 2 (1992): 192-97.
Anghelescu, Hermina G.B., and Donald G. Davis Jr.. “Public Libraries in Modern and Contemporary Romania: Legacy of French Patterns and Soviet Influences, 1830-1990”. University of Texas at Austin, 2000.
Davis, Donald G. , Jr. “The Status of Library History in India: A Report of an Informal Survey and a Selective Bibliographic Essay”. Libraries & Culture 25, no. 4 (1990): 575-89.
Davis, Donald G. , Jr. “International Trends in Library History”. Libraries & The Cultural Record 45, no. 1 (2010): 123-29.
Davis, Donald G. , Jr. “Memories of the ALA Library History Round Table”. Libraries: Culture, History & Society.
Davis, Donald G. , Jr. “Libraries”. Edited by William H. McNeill. Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Pub. Group, 2005.
Davis, Donald G. , Jr., and Mohamed Taher. “Library History in India: Historiographical Assessment and Current Trends”. Third World Libraries 3, no. 2 (1993): 40-44.
Davis, Donald G. , Jr., and Nathaniel Feis. “With Malice Toward None: IFLA and the Cold War”. Libraries & Culture 36, no. 1 (2000): 1-15.
Davis, Donald G. , Jr., and Cheng Huanwen. “The Destruction of a Great Library: China’s Loss Belongs to the World”. American Libraries 28, no. October (1997): 60-62.
Aho, Jon Arvid, and Donald G. Davis Jr.. “Advancing the Scholarship of Library History: The Role of the Journal of Library History and Libraries & Culture”. Libraries & Culture 35 (2000): 173-91.
Anghelescu, Hermina G.B., and Donald G. Davis Jr.. “Books and Libraries in the New Millennium: A Review Essay”. Choice 37, no. September (1999): 87-97.
Davis, Donald G. , Jr. “Association for Library and Information Science Education (Association of American Library Schools) Officers and Meetings, 1991-2005”. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 46, no. 3 (2005): 271-74.
Davis, Donald G. , Jr. “Wars in American Libraries: Ideological Battles in the Selection of Materials”. Libraries & Culture 33, no. 1 (1998): 40-46.