@book{14025, author = {James Joseph O'Donnell}, title = {Avatars of the Word: From Papyrus to Cyberspace}, year = {1998}, pages = {210 pp.}, publisher = {Harvard University Press}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, isbn = {9780674055452}, note = {General overview of the history of writing. Contents: Preface Introduction: The scholar in his study Phaedrus: hearing Socrates, reading Plato From the Alexandrian Library to the virtual library and beyond Hyperlink: The instability of the text From the Codex page to the homepage Hyperlink: The shrine of nonlinear reading The persistence of the old and the pragmatics of the new Hyperlink: Who owns that idea? The ancients and the moderns: the classics and western civilizations Augustine today: linear narratives and multiple pathways The new liberal arts: teaching in the postmodern world Hyperlink: How does teaching work? What becomes of universities? (For professors only) Cassiodorus: Or, the life of the mind in cyberspace}, language = {English}, }