TY - SER AU - James P. Carley AU - Colin G.C. Tite CY - Boston Spa, England LA - English N1 - Contents: I. MONASTIC BOOKS AND MEDIEVAL LEARNING Books and learning at Gloucester Abbey in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries / Rodney Thomson Latin devotional texts and the books of the Augustinian canons of Thurgarton Priory and Leicester Abbey in the late middle ages / Teresa Webber Two sequences of dated illuminated manuscripts made in Oxford 1450-64 / Kathleen L. Scott Dr Thomas Swalwell: monk of Durham, archivist and bibliophile (d. 1539) " / A. J. Piper Archaizing hands in English manuscripts / M. B. Parkes II. HUMANISM AND INCUNABULA Philippe de Vitry's books / Andrew Wathey A catalogue of Cambridge University Library in 1583 / Elisabeth Leedham-Green and David McKitterick Contents The Bodleian Library's acquisition of incunabula with English and Scottish medieval monastic provenances / Alan Coates and Kristian Jensen III. DISPERSAL OF MONASTIC LIBRARIES The dispersal of the library of Christ Church, Canterbury, from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century / Christopher de Hamel Thomas Cranmer and the dispersal of medieval libraries: the provenance of some of his medieval manuscripts and printed books / David G. Selrpyn Robert Talbot's 'Old Saxonice Bede': Cambridge University Library, MS Kk 3.18 and the 'Alphabetum Norwagicum' of British Library, Cotton MSS, Domitian A. IX / Timothy Graham Importing books for Oxford, 1500-1640 / Julian Roberts William Claxton and the Durham Chronicles / A. I. Doyle Sir Thomas Bodley's library and its acquisitions: an edition of the Nottingham Benefaction of 1604 / James P. Carley IV. LATER COLLECTORS 'Such speciall Bookes of Mr Somersetto as were sould to Mr Secretary': the fate of Robert Glover's collections / Pamela M. Selwyn For king, earl and diplomat: some vellum bindings of the first half of the seventeenth century / Mirjam M. Foot Pennarum Nit or: a Jacobean scribal patternbook / Janet Backhouse Sir Robert Cotton, Sir Thomas Tempest and an Anglo-Saxon Gospel book: a Cottonian paper in the Harleian Library / Colin G. C. Tite Medieval manuscripts owned by William Browne of Tavistock (1590-1643/s) / A. S. G. Edwards Sir Thomas Mostyn and the Mostyn manuscripts / Daniel Hums PB - British Library PP - Boston Spa, England PY - 1997 SN - 9780712345064 EP - 501 pp. TI - Books and Collectors, 1200-1700: Essays Presented to Andrew Watson ER -